Sunday, February 5, 2012

Well Suited

Earlier this week I told my boyfriend that he was amazing, not for the first time, because he is. But this time he looked at me funny, like maybe I'd gone crazy or grown a third eye and said, "We're just well suited for each other." He's right of course, but it got me thinking.

As you know, well if you read this blog then you know, I have decided to buy, read and post reviews of books by Indie authors. In my haste to find books that fit my criteria, I failed to do the most important thing. Find books that actually appeal to me.

I've posted my first review with some regret, because the book in the right hands may be thought wonderful, but it just wasn't well suited to me. As with a relationship, if the man or in this case the book doesn't fit your tastes, it isn't likely to be an overly pleasant experience.

Yes, there are those rare exceptions where you are pleasantly surprised to find that, yes, you do in fact like this particular blonde lawyer who drives a prius when you typically choose the construction worker with the black hair and the big truck. Or the vampire novel when normally you avoid them like the plague.

But as I get older I find that I have a far better chance of having a good experience whether it be book, movie, relationship or anything really, if I find the things that are well suited to me and me to them. Seems obvious, I know, but sometimes the obvious things are the hardest to learn or maybe to accept. And I have a habit of making things harder than they are.

So, basically the moral of this story is that when searching for books to read for review, I will not do so in haste and will add to my criteria that I actually have to want to read the book.


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