The theme of this week/month for me has been Stars - so in honor of that I'm posting just few words and letting a link, a picture, and a video all relating to stars, speak for me, all of which are a creative expression of one type or another.
My current WIP (that's a work in project for you non-writer readers) features a story line that revolves around Fate or Destiny. I'd like to believe it illustrates how even if our path seems written in the stars, how things turn out is up to us and the choices we make. You can check it out here:
I make hand made hula hoops as a hobby. This is one I'm particularly fond of:

And finally. The following video is a new song by one of my favorite bands Snow Patrol - the song is - Called Out to the Dark. The album hasn't been released here in the US yet. I believe it comes out 9/4/11 and I can't wait till I can get this song on my Zune. Until then I'll have to settle for watching this video which is totally awesome. The title of this post is a line of lyrics which I love from this song. This song totally inspires me!
Love the video/song! And love the new "look" of the blog. :)