Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything.  I haven't had a lot of time lately, and though I've had a few sparks of inspiration for blog posts, I haven't had the energy to follow through on them.  Excuses, excuses.  I know.

I think part of the problem is that I've felt like I actually had to have something deep and important to say, but then I realized that when I started this blog, I said a lot and most of it wasn't deep or important.  A lot of times it was just fun, or whatever was on my mind.

Remembering that rekindled the a spark.

So, my friends are doing their own version of the biggest loser and I agreed to join them since they were starting a new round this last weekend.

It started on Saturday, and of course I started immediately, stopping by the grocery store after I left my friend's house and got apples, oranges, eggs and pickles to eat as healthy snacks.  But I find the moment I can't have something, even if I didn't want it before, I desperately do now that I can't have it.

The first couple of days I decided TV was out for the next 10 weeks. (That's how long it's going for.)  Commercials are the enemy.  They are busy trying to sell tons of yummy looking food.  Food that makes losing weight impossible.  Even the commercials for food I don't like suddenly made that food sound amazing.

Towards the end of the week I was heading to the grocery store again to pick up some more healthy snacks and healthy dinner makings.  It was slow going because that day we'd gotten a nice dusting of snow and the plows and street sanders weren't out yet. Here in Alaska when it snows or is icy we "sand" the roads and parking lots.  It's not really sand, but small pebbles.
The parking lot of the grocery store had been "sanded" already and with the mix of the white snow and the dirty pebbles, I was amused to find the whole parking lot looked like a big gallon of cookies and cream ice cream!  I'm not even a big fan of ice cream, but I did steer clear of the frozen aisle to keep from picking up a thing of cookies and cream ice cream.

But, after all the temptation, I made it through the week and at my weigh in this Saturday, I was down four pounds!

The commercials aren't bothering me this week.  Hopefully the weather will also be kind and not provide any further temptation!

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